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Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

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My most beautiful memories
Lagi duduk maniz di ruang tamu.

Poseeee duyuuuu aacchh.......

Agy ngelamun nueich...

Melirik euiy.....

Gy mikir.....hikz

Agy duduk maniz di teras..

Nglamun azha dach...

Pose di motor ujub...

Motor aQ 'n UjubQ...

Njulurin lidah Euich...

Me 'n de2k di nGaLam....

Pake' mata kaca...

Gy megangin dagu...

Bersantai ria di dalam rumah...


Gy nyantei zha...

Me 'n Chik Nink

Acara perpisahan anak2 TI angkatan pertama. Waktu tuch mau pegi ke Laut 'n 
ngumpul di depan SMK Pasirian sambil maen gitar 'n nyanyi bareng....

Happy ending in the beach.

Gy d SD Senduro...

Di hum'z ujub.

Nyantei di SD Senduro.

My plends with Me in the Beach.

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About me

My name is Icha Larmytha. I am 19 years old. I graduated in 2009 at the State Vocational High School Pasirian. And now I work in one of the internet cafes in the city exactly in Pasirian Lumajang in East Java Indonesia. Less than 1 year I was wrestling in the world of work. I am very happy for helping the people who need help from me.

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